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February 10, 2025
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Product Detail

Item#: SC366 •SALE•
  Type Use:
  Units/Case: 1
  Wt Each: 0.50

Other Important Information About This Product
  Related Product:
Alkalinity Pro Test Kit 75 Tests

  Substitute Product:
Reef Buffer 250g

  Use This Product With:

Product Name: Marine Buffer 250g
Category: Additives*
Subcategory: pH, gH, & kH
Manufacturer: Seachem
Marine Buffer will safely raise marine pH to 8.3. It will not raise pH above 8.3 even if inadvertently overdosed. Marine Buffer is a blended product and is not just sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate, commonly sold as a substitute. Such products can raise pH to dangerous levels if not used properly. Marine Buffer contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and potassium salts of carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, and borate. Use high quality: Marine pH & Alkalinity test kit to check pH and total alkalinity. Use Marine Trace to restore the proper level of trace elements required by thriving, healthy saltwater fish.

DIRECTIONS: Add 5 g (1 level teaspoon) for each 80 L (20 gallons*). Dissolve in at least one cup of freshwater. This dose will also raise alkalinity by about 1 meq/L. Add daily until pH stabilizes at 8.3. This will take from a day to a week, depending on original pH and alkalinity. Thereafter, use biweekly or monthly to maintain a pH of 8.3. If this practice is not adequate, then overstocking, overfeeding, or other poor management practice should be sought as a likely cause. In ionically balanced marine water, Marine Buffer produces little precipitate or cloudiness. If an extensive precipitate forms upon addition of Marine Buffer that does not dissolve within 15 minutes, then poor ionic balance was present. A water change should be initiated when convenient before further use of the product. Effectiveness improves with continued use. Do not directly mix with any calcium, magnesium, or strontium supplement.

FAQ from Seachem

Q: When I added Marine Buffer to my tank I got a very light, white, fluffy precipitate, what should I do?

A: This is a temporary magnesium carbonate precipitate. No need to worry, it will dissolve in half an hour or so. Sometimes this can form if your magnesium is on the high side.
Q: I have a 180 reef and I would like to know the main difference between the Reef Buffer and the Marine Buffer. They look almost the same.

A: Marine Buffer has a pK of 8.3. pK is a number that represents the pH of a buffer. Reef Buffer has a heavier carbonate influence than Marine Buffer giving it a higher pK than Marine Buffer. Because of this, Reef Buffer is more successful at overcoming acids where intense biological activity occurs resulting in heavier acid production like in a typical reef aquarium.
Q: I have a freshwater planted tank. I've been using acid buffer to lower ph. According to the label I should use alkaline buffer as well to target a ph. My question is, can I use Marine Buffer instead? And if so, at what dosage?

A: I would not use Marine Buffer in this situation as the ingredients are different than what is used in Alkaline Buffer and is designed to achieve a pH of 8.3. The ratios on back of the labels of Acid Buffer and Alkaline Buffer are designed to create a buffering system and target a set pH in a water that does not have any buffering ability (no acids and/or bases present). In an established aquarium, this is generally not the case. I would only use Acid Buffer to lower pH and KH or use Alkaline Buffer to raise pH and KH.

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