Common Name: Red Lava Chalice
Scientific Name: Echinophyllia
Region found: Indo-Pacific, Fuji, Tonga
Care Requirements:
Flow- low-medium. Like many corals in the hobby, this coral can look different based on where it is in the tank as far as flow and lighting. In faster flow, it develops thicker skeleton to accomidate the push of the flow.
Lighting- medium intensity. There are many ways in which the lighting intensity can affect the growth patterns of chalice corals and influence growth towards light and feedings.
Food/Nutrients- Prefers to feed two times a week. Growth can be increased by spot feeding individual 'eyes' of the coral with frozen mysis or CALA-fin Whole Calanus Marine Zooplankton (AL1802). This coral is a noctornal feeder but can be trained to feed during the day at the same time as other corals in your tank.
Unique characteristics-
This stony polyp coral is one that can vary widely in appearance under LED, bulb, and hallide lighting. The chalice corals have become popular hobby for their striking luminescent colors under low to medium light.
Although most people want to have the most light on their tank possible, overexposure can lead to the chalice corals browning or turning a darker color. This coral requires a bit more planning in care in both placement and water quality because it demands pristine water and high levels of magnesium (AL581), calcium (AL582), and alkalinity (AL583).
Prefered conditions-
pH- 8.2- 8.4
Temperature- 72-78 F
Salinity 1.024-1.026
dKH 8-12
Recommended Items:
These are a few items that can help you succeed with this and many more corals that are available in store. Talk to a sales staff member about your tank and the specific needs of your reef.
AL581 Magnesium
AL582 Calcium
AL583 Alkalinity
AL813 Amino Glow